Impressions of @media 2006

  • Jeffrey Veen is somewhere in the region of 8345 ft tall, striding the world like a laid-back, rather casual colossus. Despite this, his publicity photo was taken from a vantage point somewhere above his head. Either a) the photo was snapped from a passing aircraft or b) somewhere out there is a photographer who is taller than Jeff Veen. Think about it.
  • Molly Holzschlag moves constantly. She’s some kind of living embodiment of Heisenberg’s principle that position and velocity cannot be determined simultaneously.
  • Every web design course should have at least one class where students have to watch videos of disabled people using the web. Hell, I’d like to see some education on how disabled people use e-mail, write HTML or compose Word documents.
  • Jeremy Keith makes the sort of insights that, when you hear them, you think “that’s so perfectly sensible, it seems almost obvious.” Eg. Don’t use mysterious Javascript pixie magic to provide an essential function on your web page. Yet noone thinks of these things until Jeremy points them out. I really, really need to read his book.
  • Eric Meyer liked my Mission of Burma shirt. Woo!
  • Did you like my semantically correct use of the cite tag in the previous item?
  • Lots of people made notes by typing (live-blogging, I believe it’s called by the cool kids) on expensive looking Mac laptops. How do they draw diagrams, or doodle?
  • Mac laptops are shiny and desirable. Mmmmm, my precious…
  • The web dev community are some of the most open, friendly and approachable people in the world. I wish I’d had the chance to speak to more people.
  • Some of the accessify folks came down to Greenwich on Saturday, which gave me a chance to play with the 28-inch telescope. Photos are up on Flickr from Dan Champion and Karl Dawson.